1 h.
90 €
Klaipeda Port water area
2 h.
150 €
Klaipeda Port water area
4 h.
260 €
Klaipeda - Curonian Lagoon - Smiltyne - Klaipeda (1 hour stop in Smiltyne)
6 h.
350 €
Klaipeda – Juodkrante - Klaipeda (2 hours ashore)
8 h.
450 €
Klaipeda – Juodkrante - Dead Dunes - Klaipeda (1,5 - 2,5 hours ashore)
12 h.
500 €
Klaipeda - Nida - Klaipeda (10 hours of swimming and 2 hours ashore)
12 h.
500 €
Klaipeda - Dreverna - Vilhemlo Canal - Mingė - Klaipeda (11 hours swimming and 1 hour in Dreverna)
*no Vat
Guide service
70 €
Team entertainment on the shore
180 €